Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Rider Training – Do You Still Comply?




Have You Digressed?

You have your motorcycle license, been riding for a couple of years; do you still adhere to your safety training? Did you know that many motorcycle accidents involve riders without training?  Ninety-two percent of riders involved in accidents were self-taught or learned from friends or family. Rider inattention is a common factor in many motorcycle accidents.

Experience on the bike involved in an accident was less than 5 months, but the rider had about 3 years riding experience. Reaction time for a rider to avoid an accident is less than 2 seconds, remembering you accident avoidance techniques is crucial. In our article, Five Things You Might Want To Know Before You Begin Riding A Motorcycle we talked about five things you needed to know before beginning to ride. Number 4 was the importance of rider safety training.

Advanced Rider Training At Its Best

Do riders who have gone through rider safety training courses forget what they were taught after riding for a year or two? The sad part here is motorcycle accident deaths are at 14% of all accident fatalities in 2017, which is 5,286 dead bikers. Are these stats a result of riders who went through safety training only to ignore what they learned? It looks as though that might be the case. Speaking of looks, wearing Men Textile Motorcycle Pants will make you stand out in a crowd, looking good.

A Study of Rider Training

Do stats tell the truth about rider training & accidents?

A study in 1989 concluded that riders with safety training had fewer accidents, and the accidents were less severe. In 2007 another study found that riders who completed rider safety training courses were 44% more likely to get into an accident. The study went on to say riders who completed a second course were 180% more likely to have an accident. The two studies contradict each other, which is right?

The study did reveal that safety trained riders are more apt to wear Men Leather Motorcycle Pants with the armor inserts in place. The NHTSA in 2010 held a panel discussion assessing the effectiveness of entry-level motorcycle training. Here is the kicker, there is not enough data to support whether or not basic MC training is practical or not. The NHTSA cites the lack of stats on the relationships between impaired driving on trained and untrained riders. The NHTSA recommends further studies be conducted on the relationships between a person’s car and truck driving records and their motorcycle driving records.

What’s The Answer?

Right now, there isn't one at least not officially. Experience has taught you that rider safety training makes you a safer rider than you would be without it. Experience also dictates that you wear 4 Season Motorcycle Jacket for protection and that great look. So, do we need government research to tell us that rider safety training helps riders avoid and even prevent accidents?
No, we do not.

A Refreshing Thought

The thought here is, do you need to take an advanced training course every couple of years or so? Yes, you should take a refresher or even an advanced rider course as we tend to forget what we learned.

By taking a refresher course, you might learn a new accident avoidance technique that you were not taught the first time through. We all get rusty by refreshing your skills you will perform like a well-oiled machine. You will need all the safety tricks available when dealing with drivers who instinctively fail to notice the motorcycle on the road with them.

Look on Wicked Stock for great deals on Textile Men Motorcycle Jacket and any other gear or accessories that are on sale.

Like us on Facebook, check us out on Instagram and tell us if you signed up for a refresher course.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Stay Fit While Riding


You think riding a motorcycle is as easy as getting in the saddle and heading out. Take a long ride through the backcountry and find out just how out of shape you are. Riding can be exhausting, often resulting in sore muscles and achy bones.

Being in shape for motorcycle riding requires exercising at home or the gym regularly 3 to 5 times a week. A good workout routine for strengthing legs, core muscles, back, shoulder, and arms should be on your menu of things to do. Being in good physical condition means lifting your bike back onto its wheels puts less strain on your body.


Leg exercises target the glutes, quads, hamstring, and the stabilizing muscles of the hips and require stability.


With your arms at your side, step forward, bending the right knee as you step forward and force it to bear your body weight. Return to standing position, repeat the right leg forward 10 to 15 reps and then do the same with the left leg.


Back against a wall, stand up straight and simply bend your knees and lower your body a few inches. For better results, hold for 3 to 5 seconds and stand up straight again, repeat for 10 to 15 reps. Once you are in shape, you will look great in a pair of Men Motorcycle Leather Pants.



Target abdominals and paraspinal that are necessary for holding you upright on the bike, so you don't lean on your arms. Lay flat on the floor, then come up on your elbows and toes. Keep stomach tight, hips level, and your head in line with your spine. Hold for about 10 seconds and repeat 5 to ten times with your goal of holding for 1 to 2 minutes.

If you have a little trouble with the plank exercise, rest on your knees until you get the hang of it. Core conditioning will allow that Leather Men Motorcycle Jacket a snugger fit for that fit, trim look.

Shoulders, Triceps, Pectorals


Great for increasing upper body strength by targeting shoulder, tricep, and bicep muscles. Get down on the floor, feet straight behind you, position your arms, so they hold your body off the floor.
Hands shoulder-width apart, back straight, core engaged, and hands flat on the floor to protect wrists. Lower your body in a straight line, so your chest or chin touches the floor. Push your body back up using your arm muscles, locking your elbows at full extension.

Repeat this doing 10 pushups at a time or as long as you can hold proper form. Continue the pushup regimen until you achieve 50 to 100 pushups at one time.


Pull-ups are great for increasing strength in arms, shoulders, and back and are the root of most fitness programs. In some cases, the pull-up is a laborious exercise to master as you are lifting your entire body weight, go slow get it right.
No injuries allowed. Grab the over-head bar, hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing away from you. Pull with your arm and shoulder muscles until your chin is over the bar then slowly lower yourself down until you are hanging.

It may be challenging to do more than 2, 3, or 4 pull-ups at first; as your arms and shoulders gain strength, the reps will come easier. Shoulders toned, you can wear your Textile Men Motorcycle Jacket for that professional rider look.

Cool Down

Getting fit is going to make riding easier as your body has the strength and stamina to sustain itself on long rides. With your core strengthened, you will sit straighter on the bike, and your arms will not be holding you up.

Getting fit is getting a good cardio work out that protects you from the effects of stress. Not only have you become fit, but you have also improved your overall health and wellness.
Good job. While working out, you shed a few pounds check out the deals on Wicked Stock to find new apparel to fit that new you.

Like us on Facebook and check us out on Instagram.
Content is originally posted at https://wickedstock.com/stay-fit-while-riding/