Buying counterfeit goods is a billion-dollar market, and it grows
every year. But no one wants to contribute to this market without their
knowledge. People are perfectly fine purchasing counterfeit goods, as long as they
know it's counterfeit. If a person believes they are buying an authentic item
and then later find out it is counterfeit, they will feel cheated and lied to.
Unfortunately, scammers who make their money by passing off fake jewelry, brand
clothing, and watches as the real thing is a major issue worldwide and
especially online.
But most people believe that scam products are only an issue when
it comes to luxury products and the newest iPhone. But fake products can
impersonate any single product. As long a market for a product exists, scammers
will try to pass their fake goods off as the real thing.
Fake products are also an issue with motorcycle gear, and we don't
mean fake motorcycles like Herley Davidson and Kawasaki. Motorcycle clothing is
expensive, especially the higher-quality items. So you will see a lot of
sellers on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and eBay trying to pass off their
fake motorcycle jackets and leather
motorcycle gloves as the real thing. And, to their credit, their fake gear looks
remarkably similar to real authentic products. The strikingly similar way
scammers make these fake products is the main reason why the counterfeit goods
market is so difficult to take down. Underground operations that make fake
products study for years to improve the quality of their gear. But some
scammers go even farther than improving their technique; some steal the
machinery and materials used to make authentic gear from the actual company.
So now that we know fake motorcycle gear is a major issue online
and in some retail stores, how do we prevent our hard-earned money from ending
up in the hands of scammers?
How Do We Make Sure to Always Buy
Real Authentic Gear?
Buy From Reputable Sellers Only
This method is the best way to make sure that you own real
high-quality gear. Purchasing any brand name items from the brand itself like
the WickedStock
or any of the licensed stores that the brand associates with ensures that your
gear is real. You won't have to inspect the product when it arrived at your
house and ask a friend to look it over.
Don't Fall For Prices That Are Too
Amazing To Be True
Expensive Leather Motorcycle Jackets Really Better than Low Cost Ones?
Motorcycle gear costs a lot of money, so anyone on a budget is constantly on
the lookout for amazing deals and sales. But there's a price at which the sale
becomes a scam. If you're looking on eBay or on another auction site for a
specific brand of brown leather motorcycle jacket that
you want, anything that drops lower than 25% is suspicious.
One of the best online retailers to purchase high-quality
motorcycle gear from is All of their products are 100%
authentic, and they never purchase fake gear to fool customers and mark up
prices. And if you ever need help searching for the right piece of gear for
you, just send a message over to their customer service center, and they will
happily show you the best products that fit your tiny budget and your needs.
All of their prices are reasonable because Wickestock has amazing sales on a
regular schedule. And when you find the perfect jacket for you, add on a pair
of leather motorcycle gloves
and mesh motorcycle pants to complete
your new ensemble! There's nothing better than buying a brand new outfit!
Follow WickedStock on Facebook,
and Instagram
for amazing deals.
Content is originally posted at