Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Best Riders Read Motorcycle Instructional Books! Yes, It’s True!


We have all these preconceived notions about the motorcycle world and motorcycle riders. The first characteristic that pops into the average person’s mind when they see motorcyclists wearing their motorcycle riding gear is how cool the rider looks. People who ride motorcycles look cooler and far more stylish than any car and truck driver. Their leather biker jackets and mens textile motorcycle pants, as well as all the other gear they wear, create a unique style whenever they ride.


Because of their clothes, everyone around them automatically knows they ride a motorcycle, even if they are nowhere near their bike. Some tourists from countries that don’t have a strong motorcycle culture will take photos with motorcyclists who wearing their gear from head to toe. Their clothes just look better!

The second characteristic non-motorcyclists think of when they picture a bike rider is a freedom. We associate motorcycles with the open road, with camping under the stars, and with going anywhere we want whenever we want. The motorcycle was not built to sit in a parking lot, garage, or on our front lawn. The first feeling a brand-new motorcyclist experiences, when they buy their first bike, is the feeling of freedom because they now can go anywhere. Not many people feel the same way when they buy a car or truck.


But nobody, and I mean nobody, associates motorcycles, motorcyclists, and motorcycle culture with reading and studying. To many people, motorcyclists are doers as they chase their feelings and their dreams. You can't chase freedom when you're sitting down reading a book.


To take your motorcycle riding, maintenance abilities, and driving to the next level, you have to sit down and crack open an instructional book. The tools and education that are passed down through books and the written word can never be replaced by the teachings of your friends on a Friday or Saturday night. No matter what motorcycle subject you want to learn about, there's a book for you to study, consume and highlight.


For example, if you are into sports writing and racing, then you need to study motorcycle techniques from around the world. Not only that, if you study the best motorcycle sports riders, as their first-hand knowledge is irreplaceable and you won't be able to find it anywhere else.


If you want to learn about the motorcycle itself, how it works, and how to modify it, the need to read motorcycle repair and maintenance books. Countless books have been written about the ins and outs of the motorcycle and its engine, as well as how to replace some parts with better parts to improve performance and protect from wear and tear. You want to be able to get that type of knowledge with a few quick Google searches. If you are enjoying the rain and cannot ride, you must be Riding The Pages: Books You Need To Read On A Rainy Day will change your boredom into fun.

Along with a new book, you should buy yourself some new motorcycle gear. Every motorcyclist needs to keep their motorcycle gear in Tip-Top shape. Their gear is their only line of defense between bodily injury in harm and walking away from an accident. Many people have been the victims of unnecessary injuries because they weren't wearing the proper equipment. Their equipment could have been old and raggedy too. So if you're looking for a place to buy stylish motorcycle gear but you don't want to spend a lot of money, then go to WickedStock.com.

Wicked stock always has a sale just around the corner! You can check out their Facebook, Twitter,  andInstagram to see how people are choosing to style the gear they purchased from the site! Don't wait until you get into an accident or until your favorite biker vest patches start to shred. Head over to Wicked Stock today.

Content is originally posted at https://wickedstock.com/the-best-riders-read-motorcycle-instructional-books-yes-its-true/

Thursday, September 23, 2021

In Helmet Headphones Vs Regular Earbuds: Which Is Better For Road Trips?


Having the option to listen to music while on a long and fun road trip should not only be available to drivers of cars and trucks. Motorcyclists are known for embarking on week-long road trips more often than the average car or truck driver, so they should have a way to listen to music as well!

Finally, this option is available to anyone who rides a motorcycle. Most motorcyclists cannot choose between helmet headphones and earphones that are placed in the ear.

So here are a few things to consider when selecting the right audio device for your helmet. Do not forget to read our article on Motorcycle Riding and Your Hearing to decide which hearing aid is good for riding.

Noise Cancellation

You would be surprised at how much the sound of the road and the motorcycle will drown out the music coming from the helmet speakers. The best kind of in-helmet headphones to own are the higher quality ones they will have improved annoys canceling technology built inside them.


Since earbuds are directly in your ear, you won't hear nearly as much noise as you would if you owned helmet headphones. You may not even need to buy ones with noise-canceling technology But if you need to adjust them or they start to itch for some reason, you'll have to pull over to the side of the road to make any adjustments.


Sound Quality

Because of the size of the speaker, in the helmet, the ear speakers always sound better than tiny earbuds. The sound quality is crisper and the deep or bass noises will be heavier and more pronounced.


The more expensive the earbuds, the better the sound quality. But headphones usually sound good at any price.


Sweat Proof

When you're riding in the middle of the afternoon in hot Texas or Arizona sun, sweat will pour down the sides of your head.


In a helmet, headphones may or may not absorb that much sweat, depending on how far they are from your ears.


Since earbuds are inside of your ear canal, the sweat from your head can drip down into your ears and cause them to malfunction if they are not built to be sweat-proof by the manufacturer.

Laws Surrounding Listening To Music While On A Motorcycle

There are a few states that don't tolerate any type of music device on a motorcyclist while riding. For example, California has made it illegal to wear helmet headphones and earbuds. You can't even wear earbuds when there is no music playing. So be sure to know the laws of the state you live in as well as the laws of the state through passing through on your road trip. Not only will you get a ticket, but your earbuds or helmet headphones may also be confiscated.


Whether you choose helmet headphones or regular motorcycle earbuds, listening to your favorite road trip playlist will make your 6+ hour ride to your next destination more entertaining.


But we feel we should remind you to never play music so loud you cannot hear police or ambulance sirens. You can get into real trouble if you don’t move out of the way! Keep your music at a comfortable volume so you can hear car and truck horns as well. You don’t want your road trip ruined by an accident or ticket, do you?


Now that you have a brand new pair of headphones or earbuds, it is time for you to buy new gear for the rest of your body! Now is the time for a motorcycle shopping spree! If you haven't purchased men's leather biker pants or a mesh motorcycle jacket in a while and yours is full of holes, you need to replace it soon. But shopping is only fun if you have the money. So if you need better gear, but you can’t afford to spend too much, I know the right website for you!


This motorcycle gear store has everything you need to create the perfect outfit that will make you look stylish and keep you safe from the elements or in an accident. They have a great selection of biker vest patches as well as new styles of leather biker vest every day. Check out their Instagram. Twitter, and Facebook page to see their latest styles and find out when their sales are happening for even more savings. High-quality gear doesn’t have to destroy your budget!!

Content is originally posted at https://wickedstock.com/in-helmet-headphones-vs-regular-earbuds-which-is-better-for-road-trips/

Get Your Motorcycle Gear Organized


Let’s be real about the cost of motorcycle gear; it is expensive and replacing the most expensive piece of gear usually must be done at the most inconvenient time. Since motorcycle gear is so expensive, people who own even one piece of gear take good care of their clothing as they don’t want to replace it anytime soon. People who take really good care of their gear will wash and wipe it down regularly, apply a leather coating if possible, and keep it out of the sun. if you don’t follow this routine, you must know How to Take Care of Your Leathers.


Yes, they will treat their gear well, until it is time to hang up their gear in the closet and store it away. Many people, not just motorcyclists, dislike hanging up their gear and putting it away properly. Most people will leave all of their gear in a pile on their bed, couch, or chair. People also do this with their fresh pile of laundry, so we think the problem comes from a dislike of clothing and the time it takes to fold or hang it.

But leaving your motorcycle gear rumpled on the couch is no way to care for your gear or any of your clothes. So I think it is time to rid yourself of the negative mindset of leaving the gear in a pile and place all of your gear on hangers in the drawers like they should be stored.

So what two items should you invest in to store your gear?

Clothing bags

If you are storing your textile motorcycle pantsor your motorcycle rain gear away for several months, You can't just leave them in the back of a closet. They need to be stored away and protected from the changing weather.  storing your gear in clothing bags will not only keep the dust off of them, but it will keep moths and humidity away that find their way into the house or apartment.


Wide Hangers

Protecting the structure of your motorcycle jackets is key to making them last as long as possible. When you place your thick heavy jackets on hangers that have really thin shoulders, it can stretch the fabric in the shoulder area. Wide hangers will protect the fabric around the shoulders and won't cause any stretching or tearing. Plus, your closet will look better with a wide hanger.


Now that you know how to keep your gear organized, you don’t have to wear a wrinkled motorcycle leather jacket or your mens leather motorcycle pants in a sad little pile on the floor. You know how to keep every piece in the right area and store them so they are neat and clean.

But what if you are organizing your gear and putting it away properly when you see that your favorite mens black leather biker jacket has several holes? Well, that means it is time to get a new jacket.

But where can you get an affordable but high-quality jacket quickly especially on a limited budget? It always seems like the best equipment is always out of your price range. If you feel like you don't have the money for good gear, then the next website you should shop for your motorcycle gear is Wickedstock.com.

When you buy from Wicked Stock, all of the best gear on the site is in your price range and the price might even be lower than you think. They always have a sale going on and you can check out their Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter page to see how other motorcyclists are wearing their gear. So if you want motorcycle gear that can protect you from crashes as well as the wind, sun, and rain, Wicked Stock is the site for you.

Content is originally posted at https://wickedstock.com/get-your-motorcycle-gear-organized/

Friday, September 17, 2021

The Ride Of Your Soul: Music For Motorcyclists


It is not surprising that the open road has inspired many who ride motorcycles to take up an instrument and put their experiences into a song. Hundreds of thousands of motorcycle riders journey on the road every day, and they need something to listen to while they weave around winding roads, stand still in mind-numbing traffic, and take in the glorious countryside of North America.


But if you're not the type of person who can carry a tune in a bucket, there's plenty of songs in the motorcycle music genre for you to listen to while you travel hundreds of miles on the road every day. Imagine putting on your favorite motorcycle jackets with armor and getting on your bike, only to realize you have no music to listen to. That would be a tragedy! What are you supposed to do now? Listen to the sound of traffic? How boring! Or maybe you think, Can I Listen To Music On A Motorcycle?


Now that we have phones and wireless headphones, it is easier than ever to listen to music while riding a motorcycle. Just put your favorite music player and find a playlist that you enjoy. It will most likely be a road trip playlist as those playlists have the best type of music for long journeys.

Listening to road trip music can be inspiring, but it is best to listen to this type of music when you're actually on the road. Listening to your favorite motorcycle music genre song while you are behind your office desk is bound to stir up some feelings of nostalgia and longing for the road while you're trying to drink your morning coffee.


I bet you can picture it now: the asphalt road in front of and behind you, your leather motorcycle gloves gripping the handle of your motorcycle, and your leather biker vestdisplayed proudly on your chest. All you need is a beautiful sunrise or sunset, and you have the makings for a good day.


Motorcycle music has been around since the invention of the motorcycle, and it will continue as the motorcycle changes with the times.


Deep country and hard rock are the two most popular genres for motorcyclists to listen to, and truckers often enjoy this kind of music. No motorcyclist can resist the call of the guitar in any of its forms. Influential bands that can make any biker or trucker go wild are:



        Twisted Sister

        Judas Priest

        Neil Young

        Jimi Hendrix

        The Clash

        Iron Maiden

        The Doors


If you are looking for some songs and bands to listen to on your next motorcycle trip, ask around and get suggestions from friends.

Before you load your favorite music onto your phone and hit the road, there is one thing you must do. It is essential for every motorcyclist who is about to go on a long trip to evaluate every single piece of motorcycle clothing gear that they own. Be sure you don't have any rips, tears, cracks, or finding patches on any of your gear.


If you do, it is time to get some new gear. High-quality well-made gear can protect you for years. Remember: you don't want to listen to your road trip music while surrounded by beeping machines in the hospital. Replacing your old Gear with well-made new gear will keep you on the road and away from any hospital.


Buying new gear can be a hassle. No one likes spending money they did not count on spending. So, if you're looking for high-quality motorcycle gear for a low price, then you will enjoy shopping at Wickedstock.com. Check out their Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram pages for all of their latest fashions and sales announcements, and dates. Any kind of gear you need, Wicked stock will have it.

Content is originally posted at https://wickedstock.com/the-ride-of-your-soul-music-for-motorcyclists/


Sunday, September 12, 2021

When You Should Ride And When You Shouldn’t?


Just because you hear the call of the road doesn’t mean you have to jump on your bike and forget about your life for the next 10 days. It may be better to skip some joyrides and trips, especially if you don’t have the time, money, or anyone else who can be your travel partner. As motorcyclists, we understand riding is not always safe and we have to weigh the pros and cons of our possible future routes against a multitude of factors. Some factors are in our favor and others we should stay away from at all costs.


So when is it a good idea to ride and when should you stay at home?



When you are familiar with the area and the season

We recommend traveling to places you have been before. Going somewhere you are used to may not sound like the best adventure, but it is better than not leaving at all. When you want to leave in a hurry and get to your destination, you can navigate to the place as if you were there yesterday. No getting lost or asking for directions. Just pack and ride.


When time is not a factor

If you are going on a long vacation and you have plenty of time to spare for detours and getting lost, then it is an ideal time to ride. You should take your jackets and rain gear with you when riding. You might be thinking Why Should You Wear a Leather Motorcycle Jacket? Well, your motorcycle protective jackets will keep you warm in the cold, your motorcycle rain gear will protect you from getting hypothermia, and it will be easy for you to backtrack if you get lost.




If there is a natural disaster waiting to happen

When we say natural disaster, we do not mean a tsunami or an earthquake. No one, not even the best equipment, can predict when they are going to happen. To us, natural disasters that we can avoid are hurricanes, tropical storms, wildfires, and landslides. If there are extensive warnings about any of these disasters, then find another way around or turn around and go back home.


If you don’t have anyone to go with you

Many motorcyclists go by themselves, but it is always better to travel in a group. If you can wait for a buddy or two to join you instead of leaving on your own. Going alone may get you there faster, but no one will help you if you are in danger and everything will be more expensive. Plus, traveling in a group means you will make more memories!


But before you leave anywhere, check all of your motorcycle riding gear and make sure everything is in tip-top shape. The worst thing a motorcyclist can do is rely on their shoddy worn-out gear to keep them safe. When the time comes, replacing your gear with pristine brand new gear is essential to motorcycle safety. If you do not have the money to replace your gear, you should not go on vacation. Don’t travel with a brown leather motorcycle jacketwith holes.  If you see your leather motorcycle glovescoming apart at the seams, cancel your motel booking and replace your gloves.


If you have the gear to replace but don’t know where to buy new gear that will not break your budget, then open a new tab and search for Wickedstock.com. Wicked Stock has hundreds of interesting and stylish motorcycle gear pieces. No matter your style, Wicked Stock will have clothes that match your signature outfit. Check out their Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to see all of their clothes and how you can use their gear to create an amazing outfit that will make everyone’s head turn!

Content is originally posted at https://wickedstock.com/when-you-should-ride-and-when-you-shouldnt/

Thursday, September 9, 2021

How To Buy Motorcycle Parts For Beginners?


Like any vehicle, maintaining the different parts of your motorcycle is key to ensuring that it lasts for more than a decade. New motorcyclists have a general idea about upkeep and maintenance because they learned about them from riding and driving cars. However, maintaining cars and motorcycles is not the same. Each vehicle has its own rules about its parts, like tires and engines, and different timelines on when to replace them.

If you are new to the wild world of motorcycles, or you are looking for a motorcycle to purchase, then keep on reading. Knowing when to replace certain parts when they wear down will keep your motorcycle road-ready for years to come!

Motorcycle parts and when to replace them

Here's a list of the most common parts on a motorcycle that must be replaced often and when they should be replaced.


       The chain and chainrings must be replaced after 3000 miles or whenever the meter on the chain checker displays 0.75%

       Breaking cables must be replaced every year

       Exhaust pipes must be replaced every two to four years depending on wear and tear

       Any belt or chain that is developing nicks or threads must become a high priority and replace immediately

You must not forget about the parts that help in Fuel Management – More Horsepower.

Where to buy motorcycle parts from

Buying motorcycle parts on your own isn’t hard, but it is daunting for both new and veteran motorcycles since they don't do it often. You could just let your mechanic order the parts for you, which many riders do. But learning what to order can allow you to customize your bike like never before. So here are the best places to buy motorcycle parts:


       Motorcycle surplus stores

       Motosport shops

       Specialty motorcycle shops

       Motorcycle conventions and gatherings

       Online retailers(with good customers service and good reviews)

       Motorcycle mechanic shops

All of these places are great for finding amazing parts with special details and higher-quality builds.

If you're out on the road and you see a motorcycle detail or part that just captures our eye and it is part of someone else's motorcycle build, wait until you both are in a safe spot and ask the person where they got their part. Many motorcycles enjoy talking about different specialty parts they either ordered or found from a specialty shop.

If you don't have any special parts on your motorcycle to dazzle the other person with, tell them about your men's leather biker pants or the brand new pack of biker vest patches you just bought. Just be sure to make conversation and exchange info on where you got your items. As you continue to talk to different motorcyclists, you will get a general sense of where they get their specialty parts.

Now that you understand when to replace important parts of your motorcycle before the parts break down completely and damage your motorcycles, it is time to remind you about replacing your worn-out gear. Purchasing both new motorcycle parts and new motorcycle gear can be expensive and we understand why many of our readers would rather buy the parts over the gear.

But well-made high-quality motorcycle gear is essential to motorcycle road safety. Unlike car and truck drivers, the clothing we wear is the only thing keeping us from becoming red stains on the grey concrete. So your leather motorcycle jacketshould have strong reinforcements built into it, and the mens leather motorcycle pants that you wear on every ride have to be made from material that can resist shredding and tearing if you skid on the cement.

But purchasing new gear can be expensive and no one likes to spend money they did not count on. So that is why Wickedstock.com has so many sales alongside their everyday discounted prices. It should take your entire paycheck to own well-made gear. If you are interested in purchasing new gear, head on over to their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages to see the entire selection of gear that Wicked Stock has to offer! Don’t delay or you will be missing out!

Content is originally posted at https://wickedstock.com/how-to-buy-motorcycle-parts-for-beginners/