Saturday, April 27, 2019

What Are Different Types Of Motorcycles Based On The Usage?

When you think of different types of motorcycles, I’ll bet your first reaction is like “Oh yeah, there’s Harleys and Honda’s, Yamaha’s and Triumph, Kawasaki…but wait! They are brands of motorcycles.
Within these brands, there are like six, maybe seven different types, if you count scooters and mopeds, which even though some people don’t consider them actual motorcycles. But for the sake of this article, we will.



This is just your basic motorcycle. Anywhere from 125cc to 1,000cc. Great for a beginner because it is not that big and it is ready for just about any riding situation (except maybe off road, but we’ll get to that later).

This motorcycle has average seat height, with low to mid-range handlebars. This makes it perfect for a new or seasoned rider for commuting to work or school and also for cruising around the countryside.



The cruiser has basically the same characteristics of the standard. The difference being a bit lower seat and more of a leaned back ride.
These motorcycles are good for all skill levels and great for commuting and weekend riding.

Touring and Sport Touring


I put these together because they both have storage space to pack your things for longer trips and weekend excursions. 

The touring motorcycle has average seat height, but they are made wider for more comfort. The engine size ranges from 1,000cc to 1,800cc for more power to cruise the major highways.
The sport touring motorcycle engine runs a bit smaller ranging from 750cc to 1,300cc. They both have windshields to protect the rider from the elements.
Both the touring and sport models come equipped with mid-range handlebars and are rated for intermediate to advanced riders.



Next up, the sport bike. This bike is built for speed. Although it can be ridden on the street, with its forward leaning riding position and low-slung handlebars, it is more suited for running on a track.
The engines range from 500cc to 1,300cc. It has a windshield, but it is much shorter to increase the aerodynamics of the motorcycle.

Off-Road and Dual Sport


Off-road is just like the name says, for off the road trail riding. These motorcycles have a higher seat to allow for the larger suspension needed to clear brush and dirt.
Engines range from 125cc to 450cc and are available in 2-stroke or 4-stroke engines.
Due to the knobby tires on your off-road bike, you probably would trailer it to the desired riding destination.

The dual sport motorcycle, with its 125cc to 800cc engine is more suited for street riding and very limited off-road. It also has a higher seat.

The Un-Motorcycles


Last but not least we have the scooters and mopeds. Now, a lot of people kind of look down on these and think they shouldn’t be classified as motorcycles. Well like it or not, they are.
A mopeds engine is usually 50cc or lower and sometimes completely electric. And although the scooters range from 50cc to 500cc, they are both best suited for riding in cities and towns. You most likely have seen both zipping around down at the sea shore while on vacation.
Neither a scooter nor moped should be ridden out on the highway.

Different Strokes for Different Folks

So, there you have it. Whatever type of riding you have in mind, there is a motorcycle out there that is suited to your needs. 

And of course, with your new motorcycle, you are going to need some good gear such as a leather, textile or racing jacket. And don’t forget some good riding pants or chaps.
All of these and more can be found at Your go to destination for motorcycle gear. 

Always Free Shipping & Hassle-free returns.

Happy Riding!

How to Take Care of Your Leathers

You went out and bought yourself the best motorcycle you could afford. Next, you stocked up on all that leather gear. If you are a smart rider, you got yourself few nice men motorcycle leather racing jackets and a pair of leather chaps or motorcycle pants. Let’s say you went all out and got yourself a leather motorcycle vest and some leather riding gloves.

Keeping Them Nice Looking For Years to Come


You spent a nice bit of your hard-earned money on all these accessories. And why not? You deserve it. You want to look good and be protected while out zooming around the countryside on your motorcycle.

Well, everything looks sharp when it’s brand new, but what about after a few rides? You get coated with road dust. You might even get caught in an unexpected rain storm. Your nice shiny motorcycle leather is going to get a bit dull. What can you do?

A Few Tips for Cleaning and Preserving Your Leather


First off, make your new leather motorcycle jackets and pants/chaps water resistant by applying a good silicone polymer or acrylic copolymer spray. While this will protect your leather from water damage, you just cannot make your motorcycle leather completely waterproof. Never put your leather in a washing machine. We will discuss cleaning later in this article.

When your leather jacket or pants begin to feel dry or stiff, apply a little leather conditioner to them. Use this sparingly though because too much can cause discoloration of the garment.
For special occasions, you can use a little bit of leather polish on a smooth leather jacket to shine it up. But always test on a spot that won’t be seen to make sure it will not stain. And never use shoe polish, even it is for leather shoes.

Got a little salt or road dust on your jacket or pants? Just wipe it off with a damp cloth. And always hang up a wet motorcycle jacket and let it dry naturally. If the leather becomes really soaked, like maybe getting caught in a rainstorm, you could apply a small amount of conditioner after it dries completely.

Now, sometimes you can end up with stains on your leather motorcycle jacket or pants. Take them to a Dry Cleaner that specializes in cleaning leather products.
I will repeat a statement from earlier: Never wash your leather in a washing machine. This could damage it and lessen the life of your leather garments.

Storing Your Leather Motorcycle Jacket


As the riding season comes to a close in the late fall to early winter, you may want to think about storing your leather motorcycle jacket in the closet until spring.

This is fine but first, take some precautions. Take your leather jacket to the Dry Cleaners and have it freshened up for its long winter nap. This could also apply to leather motorcycle pants or chaps.
After cleaning, place them on a large padded or wooden hanger. A thin wire hanger will push out the corners and make it unsightly. The ideal situation would be to place them in a cloth garment bag. Not plastic because you want the leather to breathe while stashed away in a cool dry place for the winter.

Your Leather Will Give You Years of Pleasure


Well, there you have it. Take good care of all your leather products and they will provide you with years of comfort, protection, and fashion.
All of these tips can be used to protect your leather gloves too. Even leather saddle bags that some motorcyclists prefer on their bikes.

You Can Find All Your Leather at Wicked Stock


Whether it’s Men’s Leather Jackets, Leather Vests, Pants, Chaps or Gloves. You can find suitable motorcycle racing jackets online for you. You can find what you need at
We carry a nice line of products. And always offer Free Shipping and Hassle - Free Returns.

Happy Riding!

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Do I Really Need A Motorcycle Vest?

In a word…no. But just like leather motorcycle jackets or pants, a leather motorcycle vest can provide added protection for your back and chest in the event that you had to suddenly lay your bike down hard. Or if you were to wear one of the High Visibility Motorcycle Vests like the ones available on WICKED STOCK there would be a much better chance of you being seen by other drivers and perhaps avoiding the accident altogether.

Where Did The Motorcycle Vest Originate?


In England, a vest is known as a waistcoat. Call it what you will, the vest has been around for a very long time. It was worn back in the days of Kings and Queens simply as a fashionable garment.
The leather motorcycle biker vests as we know it presumably started back during World War II. Many of the young men coming home from Europe and Japan were struggling to relax and fit back into a peaceful society. Riding around on motorcycles provided just enough of the adrenalin rush needed to put some “spice” back into their daily lives.

Some Protection Was Needed


With the stress relieving fun and excitement of motorcycle riding came the risk of spilling your bike and messing up your day, not to mention your body.

Some protection was needed. Up until then, motorcycle riders were wearing heavy sweaters or garage overalls which were simply not providing the protection they needed.

Realizing leather was a good strong cover for the upper body, they took to wearing the heavy leather bomber jackets that had become popular during the war. Although these offered good protection, the thick, heavy sleeves became cumbersome and were also pretty uncomfortable during the warmer summer months.

Riders began cutting the sleeves from their jackets, making them more comfortable and improving maneuverability. In later years it became quite fashionable to do this to denim jackets as well.
Motorcycle leather vests can be worn underneath the leather or mesh biker jackets giving additional protection to the back and chest. It can also be worn underneath a High Visibility Motorcycle Jacket. With this, you have added protection and upon arriving at your destination, by removing the high visibility jacket, you are looking stylish and ready to make the scene. There are plenty of options available to the discerning motorcyclist.

Fully Functional


The leather and high visibility Leather Motorcycle Vests for Men offered at Wicked Stock are not just fashionable. They are highly functional as well. They include many pockets inside and out to safely stash your belongings while cruising around on your bike. Most of our leather vests have an inside concealed carry pocket, so you can confidently carry your concealed weapon while out on the road.
The Leather Motorcycle Vests at WICKED STOCK are made of 1.1-1.2 mm thick cowhide or buffalo hide. Not only do they provide protection in the event of dumping your ride, but they also add a level of warm comfort underneath your motorcycle jacket during the chillier months.

And Stylish Too


So, whether you are choosing from Men’s Motorcycle Leather Vests or High Visibility Motorcycle vests, you just can’t go wrong. The motorcycle vest is a timeless classic.
The motorcycle clubs of today have a practice of sewing patches on their vest displaying the clubs name or mementos of places they have visited on their motorcycles.

No matter if you’re riding with your compadres, embarking on a cross country adventure or just tooling around town shopping or going to work, you can be protected and look your best in a nice stylish motorcycle vest.

There are some fine choices at Leather and high visibility in different styles and colors.  And Wicked Stock always offers Free Shipping and Hassle- Free Returns.

Happy Riding!

Monday, April 22, 2019

The Do’s and Don’ts of Spring Season Riding

It’s finally spring! Time to dust off that hog and head out on the highway. Right? Not so fast. There’s some prep work you have to complete first. That is if you want to stay safe and have your motorcycle keep running good throughout the summer months and into the fall. Until it’s time to put it away for another long winter’s nap.

Here’s a list of Do’s and Don’ts to get you started on your way.

Out With the Old And In With the New (Fuel That Is)

Do remember that gasoline is a very refined chemical composition, which will deteriorate very quickly. After just a few months, the more combustible elements of gasoline will have already evaporated. This will cause your bike to run rough…or not at all. Also, while sitting in the tank, the gas can react with oxygen to form varnish deposits within the fuel system. This can clog lines, filters and injectors. Condensation can form in the tank, adding water to the gasoline. This can lead to severe problems.

Don’t put your motorcycle away for the winter without draining the tank or at least adding a fuel stabilizer which can extend the life of your gas for a year or more.

Just a Trickle Should Do the Trick

Do keep your motorcycles battery on a trickle charger when you’re not riding it. This will help add years to its life. The ideal would be to keep it on a low voltage charge throughout the winter months, but if you didn’t? Be sure and check the battery’s fluid levels before charging it and top off any low cells. If you hook the battery up to a charger and nothing happens? Don’t despair, but it is probably too far gone and you will want to get a replacement battery quick, so you don’t lose any precious riding time.

Check Those Tires

Your motorcycles tires should be given a once over every time you go out for a ride. But it is even more important that they are properly inflated and in good condition after a long winter.  Examine them for cracks and rot, and make sure there is plenty of tread on them. If not, then maybe it is a good time to replace them so you will have good sturdy rubber for the upcoming riding season.
Don’t be that guy who tries to “squeeze” a few more miles out of his motorcycle tires. Believe me, it’s just not worth it!

Change That Oil

Don’t forget to change your oil and filter. If you didn’t do it as part of your winterization plan, then it would be a very good idea to do it now before entering the new riding season.
Do remember that regular changing of the oil will prolong the life of your coveted motorcycle.

Don’t Forget the Brake Fluid

One of the most neglected things on a motorcycle is the brake fluid. Ideally you would do a complete flushing of the brake fluid and replace it with new. But at the very least, do top it off as needed. Remember, your brakes are your friend.
The other forgotten fluid is coolant. Be sure and check that your coolant level is up to spec. Having your motorcycle overheat out in the middle of nowhere will most definitely ruin your day.

Clean It Up and Make It Shine

The last step before hitting the road is to clean that baby up. It’s the beginning of a whole new season of adventures on the road and you’re going to want that hog to look as good as you feel. So why not wash and wax it up. Make it shine!
Now get out there and hit the highway already.

Now You’re Ready to Roll

Now I know that you’re anxious to get out there and ride. But do get suited up properly with your leather or textile motorcycle jackets. has a wonderful selection to choose from. And, of course you will want to consider a motorcycle rain jacket for those sudden summer storms. Perhaps some men leather motorcycle pants as well, to keep you safe on your rides.

Do Watch Out For Dangers. Don’t Become a Statistic

That first ride of the year can turn out to be the most dangerous. There is a lot to watch out for. Remember, they have been salting and sanding the roads all winter. Until some good rain storms wash them away, they will be gathering on different parts of the road, especially at corners and intersections. And don’t forget those nasty potholes. They are plentiful just after the winter.
Get out there and enjoy.  Visit We always have Free shipping and returns.
Happy Riding!