Monday, December 28, 2020

Visualization - Predict and Prevent


Humans can learn using many methods, and each technique can help improve already existing skills or talents. One excellent learning method that every motorcycle rider needs to know about is visualization. An easy way to understand visualization is called daydreaming for a purpose. We all have had those times where we review in our head what we're going to do when before we do it. This is visualization in its simplest form. Other times visualization has happened automatically within our brains is when we picture ourselves grabbing breakfast before starting work, reviewing what should happen during a birthday party before the guests arrive at our homes, or planning how we're going to succeed when we're giving a year-long project from work.

What can motorcycle riders visualize to prepare themselves for the road ahead? When they are in a safe area, they can practice any areas that they are weak in. If they have trouble stopping during a downpour, they can visualize themselves driving on the freeway. By picturing themselves speeding up and slowing down while they are on a road, they can see where they have trouble and mentally correct their own mistakes.

Bikers can also have a friend practice some techniques with them. By practicing avoiding pedestrians in a safe environment, they will be ready to drive down a small and busy road. It may seem very stressful to practice with another human being, especially your friend, but the more they practice stressful situations in a safe environment, the less likely they are to crash and kill themselves or someone else. Therefore, Reckless Motorcycle Riding Is Irresponsible.

A quick note: before you jump on the back of your motorcycle, always be sure to wear a pair of leather motorcycle gloves. The gloves will keep your skin face and damage-free, and it won't hurt as much if you need to extend your hand out and touch the ground. You can also buy yourself in a buddy some motorcycle protective jackets. Protective jackets have built-in padding to help cushion your back and spine in the event of a fall.

If you are learning how to operate a motorcycle and working with a coach or teacher, ask them about visualization and how you can use them both in class and after the course has ended. Motorcycle instructors have decades of experience and can advise you on problems and issues you have not even thought of yet. When you talk to your instructor, they will probably recommend that you purchase a rain suit to be ready for the rainy season and mesh pants that are not easily dirtied by oil, dirt, or grime.

Your instructor will also tell you to visualize any experience that you have already been through. If you remember an 18-wheeler merging into your lane without them noticing you, then go back in your memories and see what you could have done differently and if there was anything you missed because of your inexperience.

A visualization is an essential tool that all people, including motorcycle riders, can make smart decisions and prepare for dangerous situations. But another way a biker can keep themselves safe is to wear specialized motorcycle clothing that will prevent excessive damage to their body if they are in an accident.

If you see a person on a motorcycle riding in shorts and flip-flops, they're not wearing the proper attire, and they can be severely injured if even the slightest injury befalls them. Some people may think that this is an extra expense that they do not need to waste their money on, but what is more wasteful: spending $5,250 on important gear or receiving a $15,000 bill after a 4-day stay in the hospital? So I do the right thing and purchase motorcycle gear from This website also has many deals and sale days to find the item you need at a price you can afford.

Do not forget to share your thoughts on our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook – Happy riding!

Content is originally posted at

Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Skills of a Motorcycle Group Leader


The life of a motorcycle group leader is never dull and never easy. There is a trade-off: if you are a follower, you don’t have to worry about where you are going next or how to manage disputes within the group. Your only mission is to eat and ride. You’ll have to earn your place within the group, but it is a smooth living once you do. But if you are the leader, you decide where the group goes, where they sleep, where they eat, and how they live. It is always good to be on top, but that role does not come without responsibilities. As a leader, you must make wise decisions for everyone and keep the peace as well. Everyone will know and respect you, but if you do not lead your people well, everyone will think you are a failure and leave you faster than a suburban mom exiting a truck stop bathroom.

Being a follower is an easy life, but not everyone is meant to be a follower. Some people are likely than others to end up in a leadership position because of how they can organize others, how they conduct themselves, and the work they can endure. But what does it take to be a motorcycle group leader? So if you are on
The Group Ride, you must know How to Behave.

The first skill you must have as a motorcycle group leader is the ability to ride. There is no way you can come and a group of tough bikers if you’re not one of the best riders in the group. No matter what kind of terrain or environment you encounter, you must navigate obstacles swiftly. Anybody can ride in warm sunny weather, but what about during a torrential downpour or high winds at night time? Quick note: if you are ever caught in the rain, be sure to have rain pants with side zippers to keep your items safe and dry. You can also purchase an entire motorcycle rain suit for maximum protection.

The second skill you must have is general motorcycle maintenance or knowledge. Your bike should also be well maintained and even have a little bit of flair. If your motorcycle looks shotty and poorly cared for, you will instantly lose the respect of all of the writers in your group. Also, since you’re the group leader, you should be able to spot when a person is having issues with their motorcycle. By having a knowledgeable leader, those within the group will rely on the leader’s intelligence and experience.

The third skill a motorcycle group leader needs to have is The ability to look at situations objectively and determine the cause and the consequence. We all have friends and family, and of course, we tend to treat them better than strangers. But if you’re in a group, then you can’t play favorites. If you do this, not only do you discriminate against others with whom you don’t have such a personal relationship, your blatant favoritism will build resentment among your group members. Looking at situations and arguments objectively will help you find the truth, and other people receive that you are a good leader.

It will take quite a long while for you to earn the title of motorcycle group leader, but when you finally do, you don’t want to be caught wearing terrible hand me down clothes that make you look like you just woke up in a ditch.

If you enjoy buying clothes online and want fast and easy shipping, then check out to find some of the best clothes that will make you look like you’re the leader of the Hell’s Angels themselves. Whether it is thick and luxurious men's pants or a protective pair of leather gloves, you’ll be able to find something here that matches your style and your budget.

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Content is originally posted at

Friday, December 18, 2020

Who Said You Could Listen To That?


It’s no secret that one of the less pleasurable aspects of riding a motorcycle is listening to the traffic. Whether you are on the highway for a cross country trip or stuck in afternoon gridlock it can get LOUD. Safety is no joke and we should all do everything we can to be safe out there but does that include leaving the music off?

For years people have said that you absolutely cannot ride with your headphones. The key reason is not hard to guess. When we ride, we are vulnerable and we need our senses available to keep up alive. Some have tried to compromise by setting up some truly badass stereo systems on their motorcycles to match their biker vest patches and leather motorcycle pants.

For them, this works brilliantly. For myself, if I am going to show off it is going to be a different style so I was elated over the past couple of years as I saw technology has made it so we can listen to music safely. What’s more, there are no proven benefits to listening to music (surprise surprise).

If you wonder, Can I Listen to Music on a Motorcycle? Not only are we more alert on those long drives because music stimulates our senses but a lot of music can have a soothing effect on the brain to reduce the likelihood of road rage.

How Do We Listen

That does not mean you should go out and buy that expensive set of noise-canceling earbuds. We still need to know what is happening so here are some smart choices.

  1. They now make earbuds specifically for motorcyclists that are specially designed to be less complicated and therefore less distracting when on the road. Furthermore, they are designed not to block out all the surrounding noise so you can still hear that sedan that you were cutting off when they honk. Just remember to keep it wireless, otherwise, you risk having the cord floating around in your way.
  1. One of my long time favorites, when I am on a long ride, is helmet speakers. These beauties have a high-quality sound that can rival your living rooms, making for a great experience and should be easier to work than earbuds or headphones which can get caught in the helmet.


Whether you are using earbuds, helmet speakers, or full-on saddlebag stereo systems you are going to have to remember that can be trickier than listening in a car and there are things to remember.

  1. Check the local laws. Just because I can doesn’t mean your state doesn’t prohibit headphones and earbuds for drivers in general. It’s easy to find just go to AAA.
  1. Be extremely careful when considering anything that claims to be noise canceling. This is no joke and knows what you are signing up for by wearing them.
  1. If you are using helmet speakers or wired headphones mind any wires and do a few head twists before ever getting on the motorcycle. The wires can get caught on your jaw, your leather moto jacket, or in my experience even your leather motorcycle gloves if you go to adjust something.

The Good and the Bad

Bottom line is that there are pros and cons. A lot of people (myself being a prime example) find that they are a lot more alert when listening to music and can improve your mood. But no matter how you slice it, music and the equipment that goes with it can be distractions so pay attention and ask yourself is now really the right time.

Outside of that go out there and have some fun, but first follow and like wickedstock on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Content is originally posted at

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Ego and Where You are Going to Hurt

 All of us plan on living forever no matter how stupid we know it is. Part of us knows we won't, so the only way we can react to the threat of injury or death is to proclaim "bring it". This is true for people in general and motorcycle riders in particular. We are a great bunch but fear makes people stupid. We will tell the world that we ride with the devil and if he says it's time then we will go with a smile because we don't actually plan on dying. Not when a semi cuts us off or we are doing 85 on the turnpike while our hair flaps in the wind. For someone out of a hundred people who claim it maybe they really don't care. And I suppose those one out of a hundred aren't who I am talking to right now. I am talking about the other 99 out of a hundred people who know they should be careful or are too lazy or too self-conscious to take the smart steps.

Everyone knows there are real dangers we have to account for because accidents happen and we want to live. So even though only 19 states have universal motorcycle helmet laws everyone knows they should wear them. Speaking from personal experience I will say you should wear a helmet even for a test drive around the block because concussions are no joke and there is nothing cool about your grey matter getting scrambled.

So you wear a helmet and maybe even motorcycle protective jackets. Good job, but next time you head out, look down. Now, what do you see? If you are one of any number of guys at my local watering hole you are probably looking at your blue jeans or even a pair of shorts. Now take all your arguments for maneuverability and your ability to focus because you're comfortable and kindly shove it. For more information, you should read the article: Is It Important To Wear Motorcycle Protective Gear?

Take a look at the CDC or any one of the state or municipal transportation department reports and you'll see a pattern. The fastest way for us to die is not wearing a helmet but right after that, we see spine injuries, abdominal and leg injuries because when we fall we tend to fall hard on some pretty gritty spots. And let's not retell the story of a track day where some idiot let his motorcycle tip over. Whether it is leather motorcycle pants, full-on knee pads, and armored motorcycle racing pants with protective jackets and armored shoes it’s worth it.

Okay, you don't think it's cool or maybe you just have the groove in those jeans perfect from all the hours of riding. Picture a track day and you show up with your protective jacket and a helmet because you know they won't let you ride without them. Now imagine you look around and you see half the motorcyclists on the field decked out from head to toe in full-on protective gear with the protective jackets, leather motorcycle gloves, and the knee pads and protected shoes to boot. Who do you really think looks as they belong there? The tourist in a leather vest and a brain bucket or the armored goddamn knights that look like they are ready to get hit by another rider and walk away?

So that's why I always make sure I am geared up and ready, not just because it is safer but I know I look badass in the new protective gear I picked up from And if I succeeded in what I set out to with this article go follow and like wickedstock on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Content is originally posted at

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Riding - Pride and Safety


Quick, what was the last training session you attended for riding your motorcycle? Ah, you are probably figuring the same thing I did after eight years. You probably have not attended a single safety and training session since you got your license. Am I right? If so then keep reading and if not keep reading anyway because we all need that friend reminding us to brush up on our weak points.

Every one of us has had moments where we throw on that leather motorcycle jacket with the matching leather motorcycle pants, get out and watch as the miles fall before us. We are free, we are kings and we know it. The funny thing about ego and pride is that we start feeling good about ourselves and we will close our eyes to anything that lets the air out of that balloon. Yeah, I know every one of us feels like a kid in grade school when we go to a class and listen to the safety professional. Not really fun when you have been riding for ten-twenty or thirty years and you get told you aren't as good as you think.

No, I am not selling you my safety courses and no I am not one of those safety professionals. I am a rider and an enthusiast that had a wake-up call. Me and a few friends were hanging out at a barbeque and one of those acquaintances I had met but didn’t know started talking about going to safety courses twice a year. Well me and the man who taught me to ride chuckled at the idea. Together we had forty years of experience so we blew out our chests and made light of the idea.

Well, one thing led to another, and let's just say before the end of the next bear I had agreed to show up to the class and show them a thing or two (my ego has gotten in the way more than once in my life, I’m working on it.). When me and senior showed up that day let's just say we had had our balloons of pride popped and shamed our American eagle jackets.

I have learned a lot since those days and something I am going to stress to each of you. We do not know nearly as much as we think we do. That is not an insult or me putting you down. When we ride and it is just us island the road we feel good, and we should it is fun and amazing and freeing. But we need to remember that we never stop learning and the most childish thing someone can do is claim that there is nothing left for them to learn. Additionally, I can say that since that day at the safety course I have attended one or two a year every year and it has only made riding more fun for me.

No, I am not trying to convince you that riding in a parking lot at 25 miles per hour is a blast or that we are joking and hanging out. I go and we are all business and it can be dull. But I have certainly picked up skills that I may never have learned otherwise and taken them out on the road and that has made riding more fun without a doubt and is worth one afternoon a year. For the riders living in a developing country, riding has a few tough guidelines. For more information, please read the Motorcycle safety tips for riding in a developing country.

When it comes down to it we need our skills to develop and the only way to do that is to challenge ourselves and admit that we aren’t done learning. So take the time, spend a few bucks go to the safety courses. Who knows maybe they will teach you something and in my experience get turned onto some new gear that is available (I have my eye on a pair of waterproof motorcycle pants at

And as always be sure to follow or like wickedstock on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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Thursday, December 3, 2020

Riding Hazards to Watch for This Fall

Some of us can’t stand the thought of putting up the motorcycle at the end of summer. The idea of not being able to ride in the winter and fall is a real and prudent plan for a lot of us in the north and the concerns are valid. For myself, I can’t stand going about town in my leather riding jacket while driving my pick up and I won’t put it away because I just need to ride. It is how I find my peace and my joy in life. Before you start, make sure that your motorcycle is ready for winter. So if you are going to ride at least through fall we both need to stay mindful and that is what I am going to go over next.

Watch the Other Drivers             

With fall comes the start of the holiday season. That means you will be contending with the crunk drivers as well as the angry drivers. Or on the flip side, you are going to have those excited happy drivers whose team just won Friday night football. So while you’ve known from riding through the summer that other drivers are always to be carefully watched, that goes double for the fall. People just have too many reasons to act stupid on the road.

Watch for Wildlife

If you live near the Rockies you know that in the fall when the temperature drops the animals that have been getting fat in the high valleys to come down in the fall and winter. So not only will there be more deer and other wildlife on the roads, but this is also their mating season. The rut is more than something to just laugh off. Vehicle crashes go way up in November. The deer are high on pheromones and running around trying to find each other so keep your eye out.

Sun Sets Fast

Days are getting shorter and there is a good chance that bright afternoon ride you take after work is going to be in the dark now. That is not inherently bad, just adjust your speed accordingly.

Watch the Thermometer

Yup. As the sun sets earlier the temperatures are going to drop quickly too. Even if it is a mild forty-five degrees through the afternoon, it can easily drop below freezing as the sun dips down. That means you are going to need to watch for ice. Also just in case, it isn’t obvious that means you the beautiful afternoon weather will leave you out in the cold so even if it is a nice comfortable day take a motorcycle rain gear, some nice textile motorcycle pants but especially some insulated motorcycle riding gloves. You aren’t going to get too far if you can’t feel your hands.

Mind the Road

I already mentioned the ice but I’ll say it again and I’ll add another reminder. Every one of those leaves that fall from the trees and build upon the road will retain moisture. Even a bone dry road you are enjoying can harbor some wet leaves that will put you down in a split second if you aren’t paying attention. Overall wet roads mean less traction so mind your speed and the corners. You may also tripe check the tread of your tires and depending on where you live switching out the tires entirely to grip the road better.

So to sum up. Stay warm, stay focused, and mind the other drivers, and the animals too. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy ourselves. For me, I remember what is out there and making sure I have the right gear. Take a look at our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook as well as the website at for any of that fall gear you are lacking.

Content is originally posted at

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

At A Loss For How To Sell Your Motorcycle?


Maybe you are looking for a new ride, already have one, or just need some cash on hand at the moment. Whatever the case maybe you find yourself needing to sell your motorcycle. This can certainly be challenging for any number of reasons not least of all the sentimental attachment you have to the motorcycle. But once you commit to the sale of your beloved there are of course some things to remember and avenues you might not think of.

First thing first, do your research and know how much the motorcycle is worth. Gauging the price because you overvalue some mods and work you put into it can certainly slow down the selling process so be realistic. The reality is those mods are almost always a sunk cost and won’t hold the same value (and in some cases might decrease the value). You might also consider selling the extras separately.

Posting Ads

When posting the ad write it out and save it with five to eight photos. Be specific and give an honest history. This will save some time by weeding out people that don’t want a motorcycle that has been modified or ridden hard. If you have a good ad and are realistic about your price you are going to find interest by uploading it to not one but several of the free classifieds (Craigslist, Trader any local niche sites) and print it out, ask your favorite mechanic if you can put it up. Don’t dismiss people, sell to everyone, and read every inquiry but do be particular in who you give a test drive to.

Friends and Family

This is one of my favorites because even if it takes a little luck it can remove some of the tedium of inviting strangers over to take a look. Even if your friends and family don’t want to buy your motorcycle they are a good place to start because maybe they know someone that does. Word of mouth has always been one of the best ways to advertise and that is true here as well. But do be careful that if you sell to someone you know they don’t wind up coming back laying every little issue they have with it at your feet once it is sold.


Maybe you need the cash quickly and just can’t wait for the ads to bear fruit. In this case, you can sell to a dealer. Just know they are in the business of buying low and selling high so they aren’t going to pay a premium price. Furthermore, they aren’t going to be buying your leather motorcycle jacket, mesh motorcycle pants, or those cool textile motorcycle pants you own. Go to them if you need the cash or moving and just can’t wait it out.

Social Media

We all spend a lot of time on social media so make it work for you. I can’t tell you how successful the Facebook marketplace has been for me in the past. But use what you have, if you have Instagram advertise there too. If you post your motorcycle and its progress, follow local groups, then there is a good chance you’ll have followers that would be interested or know someone who is.

And while you are posting the ad for your motorcycle make sure you check out and follow wicked stock on our Instagram and Facebook pages. That way you can keep an eye out for that perfect motorcycle riding jacket and the motorcycle rain suit to match.

Content is originally posted at