Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Basics Of Motorcycle Camping


I can’t express how fun it is to camp when you are on the road, just you and your motorcycle taking on the world. The freedom of sleeping wherever you wind up cannot be replaced and or replicated. Hide yourself and your motorcycle well and you won’t be bothered by police or the homeless at all. Plus, caring for and replacing camping equipment is MUCH cheaper than paying for a motel in the long run. If it is a bit colder than usual at night, slip on your motorcycle riding jacket and motorcycle riding gloves and get cozy for the night.

If I could, I would never sleep in a hotel again. The privacy, efficiency, and cleanliness of motorcycle camping are unparalleled when compared to the hundreds of shady motels and hotels that house motorcyclists every day. I would rather sleep in the mansion featured in The Shining than in a motel off the interstate in Iowa. There are no horrors in that movie that would match what I have found waiting for me when I enter into the room of a Super 8 at 1 am.


So if you are interested in motorcycle camping, then keep on reading to the end of this article. I have written down everything a motorcycle lover needs to know about camping while on the road. With this list, you’ll have no problem wearing your leather motorcycle gloves as you ride off into the sunset with your gear behind you. And do not forget to read our article on Time to Take That Camping-Only Road Trip.


What I want you to understand from this article is the basics of motorcycle camping, which means you know what items to pack and how to transport them. If you have been camping before, then you already have a general idea of what you need. But there are a few specific items you will have to buy, as the biggest issue in motorcycle camping is the lack of space to transport items.

So here are the basics of motorcycle camping.


Items you will need and how they differ from regular camping


        Luggage - strapping a luggage carrier to the back of your motorcycle is the best way to carry the majority of your camping equipment, along with your clothes. But the type of carrier you buy is vital to your balance and the amount you can carry.

        Tent - if you have a large 6 person tent, store it away and purchase a one-person tent. There’s no way you can transport a large tent on the back of your bike. A one-person tent is easier to store and move.

        Sleeping bag - if you have the money, there are sleeping bags that are so small, they can fit in your pocket. But these are expensive. You can transport a regular sleeping bag, but buy a new one if you find that you must line the sleeping bag with a blanket.

        Camping stove - transporting a large camping stove is too much for one person since you must also take the fuel and pan or pot. Buy a camping stove stand that can house one can of fuel so you can cook a one-pot meal after setting up your tent.

        Tarp - it can suddenly rain when you least expect it, so always carry a tarp or two with you. One can go over the tent and the other can go on the ground.


Before you take off on your motorcycle for your first camping trip, check all of your motorcycle gear. If you need new gear, then postpone the camping trip until you head over to and purchase new gear that will keep you safe. All of their gear is reasonably priced and there’s always a sale around the corner. Visit their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to see all of their amazing clothes and gear!

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Monday, August 23, 2021

Wicked Stock – Helping to Choose the Right Motorcycle Camping Gear


Riding motorcycles and camping go together like peanut butter and jelly. Riding a motorcycle through a lush forest or a wild desert is the best way to get off of the beaten path and discover an area that becomes your spot. But you can’t find your secret getaway if you never camp under the stars once in a while. Just imagine dozing off under the stars while you wear your favorite leather motorcycle jacket. Now, that sounds like a good night!

Heading out into the wilderness is an excellent way to get away from the mundane world of traffic, fast food, commercials and ads, and family obligations and spend some time all by yourself. But to have a great camping trip, you will need to prepare and buy the right items that will keep you fed, warm, dry, and safe. You don’t want to wake up with a coyote gnawing through your men leather biker pants or motorcycle leather riding gloves because they think you are their next meal!!

List of Essential Items

So, if you are looking for a guide on choosing the right motorcycle camping gear so you can start your motorcycle camping adventures off the right way, then this is the place for you.

We have made a list of all of the essential items that every motorcycle camping will need for their first motorcycle camping trip. But it is not enough to have a list of items. Since most motorcycle campers are new to camping, they do not know how to pick good quality gear that won’t break or rip the first few times they are used. So, along with the list of essential gear, we have included a few details for every item. Look for these details so you can know if you are getting good gear.

These items are:

  1. Tent - a single-person tent should be easy to set up and tear down. Test out your tent at home to see how easy it is to set it up. Don’t test it out on your first night of camping!
  2. Sleeping bag - A good sleeping bag rolls down into a tiny fraction of its unrolled size. Thanks to new fabric and heat-trapping technology in the last ten years, thick sleeping bags that take up a lot of space are now a thing of the past.
  3. Extra socks - socks must be warm because nighttime will be cold!
  4. Flashlight and lantern - must be drop-proof and always take extra batteries
  5. Ant chalk or powder - Get this at the dollar store. It will keep the ants far away from you
  6. Backpack - it is not a good idea to use your motorcycle backpack to camp. A good camping or overnight hiking backpack will have many small compartments, a bottom that extends when it is unzipped, Snagless zippers, and
  7. Lighter - rubbing two sticks together takes forever! Just buy a lighter from the dollar store

If you are traveling with others, it is a smart move for everyone to carry some essential items. Everyone can carry their backpack, tent, and clothing, while one can carry the food and stove, and another can carry the tent and shower.

Before you go on your first motorcycle camping trip, or even before you sit on your motorcycle again, be sure you have all of your proper motorcycle gear, and everything is in Tip-Top condition. Nothing will ruin your first motorcycle camping trip if you have holes in your mens leather biker jacket. If you are looking for a place to eat or rest nearby, check out this Motorcyclists Guide to Great Bed and Breakfast.

Where To Get The Motorcycle Camping Gear?

If you need new high-quality gear, then visit They also have Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter pages so their customers can see all of their latest fashions. The gear they carry is both high-quality and affordable. No matter what kind of budget you have, you can find motorcycle gear and clothing that won't drain your bank account.

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Friday, August 20, 2021

Should I Take an Energy Drink During a Motorcycle Ride?


Driving while tired is something that everybody does, no matter if they have a motorcycle or a car or a truck. We all know that driving while we are tired makes us more likely to get into an accident, but it is just unrealistic to expect every single driver on the road to be their most awake and alert self.


Thank goodness there are many legal substances that we can drink to help keep us awake and attentive, especially on long overnight drives.


That is why thousands and thousands of fast-food stops and gas stations across the country serve energy drinks and coffee to millions of drivers on the road.


Some people prefer coffee, and some people prefer energy drinks. But even though they both have caffeine, coffee and energy drinks may not affect the person consuming them in the same way.

Test out energy drinks close to home

First, the best thing to do is to drink an energy drink and go for a small motorcycle ride when you have the time. This will allow you to test out your reaction speed and how well your body handles an energy drink while you are riding on your motorcycle.


Some people may find that energy drinks give them hot flashes or cause them to become much more hyper than if they were to drink coffee. You don't want to find this out while you are on a 400-mile road trip.


It's best to find out how energy drinks affect you while you are safe and only a few miles away from your house. Some people can drink an energy drink, and their body will process it like a coffee cup, while others will get hot flashes, dizziness, and anxiety as if they drank a bucket of caffeine. In that case, you ought to know the basics about Motorcycling and Violence: Unraveling the Myth.

Test out different types of energy drinks

Second, you should experiment with drinking different types of energy drinks. There's not just a Red Bull or Monster out there anymore. There are now organic energy drinks and kombucha-based energy drinks, and even energy drinks with probiotics.

Some energy drinks are specially made for people with high blood pressure.

But if you find that energy drinks just don't work with your body, then stick to green tea or a mild but fresh coffee. If you don't like the taste of regular coffee, switching to a blonde roast may be preferable, as it has a lighter flavor.

Plus, nothing smells better than the smell of a leather motorcycle jacket paired with a freshly brewed cup of coffee. It's like the two were made for each other.

But motorcycles and energy drinks can go together just as well. Just imagine it now wrapping your leather motorcycle gloves hand wrapping around a delicious ice-cold energy drink on a hot day.

Along with an energy drink, a pair of textile motorcycle pants will keep you warm when the temperature drops below 50, and you have to keep driving for a hundred or more miles. In such conditions, it may be best to take your rain pants with side zippers.

Besides energy drinks, every motorcycle rider should have well-made motorcycle gear on their body to protect them from the harsh realities of the road.

Where can you buy high-quality motorcycle gear at affordable prices?

You'll save so much money you can spend the rest of the money on energy drinks! But be sure to only have two a day or two in 16 hours. When you wake up, drink an energy drink. Then, 8 hours later, drink another!

By the time entire the last 8 hours have passed, the energy drink will be out of your system, and you can get a good night's rest.

Check out all the latest fashions available on on their Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook page whenever there is a sale, They will announce it on their Instagram. So you'll save even more money!

Content is originally posted at

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Motorcycle Trips You Have to Experience


Living life on the back of a motorcycle is a lifestyle that you have to embrace completely with all your heart. When a person feels the call of the road beckoning them to drop what they are doing and start traveling, they cannot ignore it to complete their nine-to-five job and pick up a cold pizza for dinner.

When you are a motorcyclist, living on the road is a priority and nothing can stand in the way of the road. It is a more unstable and unpredictable life, but it is a life that one willingly chooses when they feel the fire and spark in their soul as they sit on the back of a motorcycle.

Have you been hearing the call of the open road oh, but you don't know where to travel to? You're tired of all of your old spots and you can't think of any spots that are enticing enough to travel at least a hundred miles?

This is quite a conundrum for many motorcyclists, especially those who have been riding for more than a decade and have faded motorcycle riding pants and jackets. You want to experience something new, but you don't want to spend your hard-earned money on a completely dull place and a waste of time.

So do you have any ideas on where to go next or what new areas of the country to discover, we can help you out!

The following two destinations are great motorcycle trips that most people have not taken but need to experience. If you are looking for a new place to ride your motorcycle, this list will pique your interest and your imagination. Additionally, there areThree Best Motorcycles For Touring to choose from. Don’t forget to check them too!


One of the best motorcycle travel groups that every rider in Northern America needs to experience is Route 66. Many motorcyclists, with their worn leather motorcycle jackets, pass this route over since it is so iconic and many feel that it is overdone or now just a part of the non-motorcycle culture.

But Route 66 is over 1500 miles long and the most famous parts of the route are only about 20 to 30 miles. Hollywood and TV shows only focus on a few iconic settings that every American and Canadian can recognize. 

But there's so much more to this route that most do not experience, which is a real shame. So, slip on some motorcycle riding gloves and consider traveling down the road for a few hundred miles. You'll be surprised at what you find.

Tuscany, Italy

If you don't mind getting on an airplane and renting a motorcycle in another country, then you have to speed through the breathtaking province of Tuscany. This Italian region is by far one of the most beautiful places you will ever ride your motorcycle through.

No matter where you go in Italy, you will see beauty as you've never seen before. But Tuscany is perhaps the most beautiful region in the country. It is not enough to just wear a simple leather biker vest and go riding. You have to get dressed up whenever you want to ride your motorcycle in Tuscany.

Italians take great pride in their appearance, and you will stand out like an old worn-out sore thumb.  But the extra clothing end care is well worth the experience of riding in Tuscany.

These are two of the best places to ride your motorcycle if you don't know where to go and you have some time and money to burn.  Right before you travel anywhere, make sure all of your motorcycle gear is in Tip-Top condition. You do not want to ride if your gear is worn out and no longer as protected as it once was.

If you notice that there are a few holes in your jackets or pants, then visit Buy high-quality gear that will not drain your bank account. No matter what size you wear or what your style is, the Wicked Stock has something for you.

Do not forget to like us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

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Monday, August 9, 2021

Surround Yourself with the Right People and the Right Gear


Just like many other things in life, riding a motorcycle is not just an activity or a means of transportation. It can easily turn into a way of life. There is a very rich culture and community around motorcycles both at the local and global levels, and it can enrich our experience a lot in many different ways. Some people are drawn to groups of like-minded individuals seeking knowledge, others are trying to find people that share their interest and love for motorcycles to expand their horizons. If you are interested in learning more about the motorcycle you own it is always great to have more experienced riders share their own experiences and tips, you could save a lot of money by learning how to take care of a few simple mechanical things, for instance.

How Do Right People Help Getting Right Gear?

Another great benefit of surrounding yourself with people that love motorcycles is that you will learn a lot about many things, including tips on how to better take care of your motorcycle and even riding advice. This is great to increase your level of expertise while riding and can translate into many benefits. Having access to knowledgeable people will also guarantee that you make great choices when it comes time to pick gear for it. A good leather biker vest can be a bit challenging to shop for, and having first-hand experience accounts can be a decisive factor at the time of making a choice. There is a lot to learn here and only so much time in our days. You may find that learning from others allows you to enjoy your motorcycle differently, while it will also help to create lasting bonds with people that share your passion for motorcycles.

The only downside we can think of when it comes to surround yourself with like-minded individuals is the fact that your love for motorcycles will probably start to take up more and more of your day, but let’s face it: You were probably going to spend that time thinking about it anyways, it is great to share that with others. You never know what might come from meeting new people and sharing your thoughts and experiences. It is a very rewarding thing to do in its own right and it may lead to positive things in the future, as well. And do Remember Your Ride with Photos.

So keep this in mind, if you do not have a group of people that you share motorcycle info with you should definitively consider finding one. You may want to do it locally or online. Doing it locally has a few great perks, such as the ability to find great feedback on items that you may find in local stores. There is nothing better than being able to get info from a friend on that particular pair of
mesh motorcycle pantsyou have had your eye on. Global communities can serve as a great resource for information about a very wide variety of topics related to motorcycles, you will surely learn a lot by engaging and your riding skills will often benefit a lot from seeing others ride or reading or hearing tips on certain aspects of motorcycle riding. Before you know it you will be hooked on all the great content you will be able to find online, and your fellow bikers will start to introduce you to great resources, too, which is always great.

If you are interested in shopping you cannot go wrong by checking out our supply, be sure to browse or follow our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for excellent gear.

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A Few Loose Guidelines for a Motorcycle Tour


Going on tour and exploring the world is one of the most exciting activities a rider can do when they own a motorcycle.  Many office workers, doctors, garbage workers, cashiers, and managers who work in their store’s dusty backroom have all fantasized at least one time in their life about taking a great motorcycle road trip. But for those of us who own a motorcycle, their fantasies are our realities.

Road trips are an integral part of motorcycle life. Many riders are excited to plan their first trip and they usually start planning the day they purchase their first motorcycle. When planning their first motorcycle road trip, every rider needs to know a few basic guidelines. Following these points will make any road trip safer, more fun, and will enable you to travel farther. You might be interested to know about the Top 5 Perfect Motorcycle Vacations before you plan your road trip.

1.      Create a road trip guide, but don’t follow it exactly

Creating a guide for your road trip is a good way to plan out your trip, schedule food and rest stops, and keep you on schedule to reach your next destination. The guide you create for your road trip should have rest stop locations, eatery locations, several small detours, and alternate routes to get to your next destination if your main road is closed.But once you make the schedule, remember that you do not have to follow the guide to the T.  It is okay to get off the main road and see the sights. Owning a motorcycle is all about adventures, and you can't have an adventure when you have to follow a strict schedule. Well maybe you can, but it won't be as fun as letting loose and seeing where the road takes you.

2.      If going out drinking, leave your motorcycle at home

During a road trip, there is a special stop where you and your buddies can go drinking and stay out until 4 AM. Usually, this happens around the halfway point when everyone is tired from riding all day. Drinking stops are especially common if the riders have been traveling for over a week.Before you all gather together at your motel and decide where to go drinking, everyone should know that they are not going to bring their motorcycle. Drunk driving is no joke and getting a DUI is even less funny. Nothing will ruin a trip faster than getting a DUI. So, install the Uber app and add in your info, or hail a taxi and have them drive you and your drunk friends back home. But whatever you do, don't take off on your motorcycle when you've had 6 tequila shots.

3.      Don’t ignore oil dripping from the bottom of your bike.

Nobody likes spending money that they did not plan on spending when they are on a trip. They dislike it even more if they have to spend that money on maintenance for their vehicle. But ignoring dripping fluid coming from the bottom of your motorcycle could have disastrous consequences. Also, investigate any new noises that appear suddenly.It may be nothing. But it also could be something that destroys the motorcycle engine and causes you to crash when you're going 80 miles down the freeway.

4.      Buy high-quality gear for bodily protection in the event of accidents

Before even thinking of planning a motorcycle tour, every new rider should have the gear they need to protect themselves when out riding on a motorcycle. If you're not sure what type of motorcycle gear to buy, there are four pieces of gear that every motorcycle rider should have hanging in their closet.  These pieces are a leather motorcycle jacket, motorcycle riding gloves, leather motorcycle pants, and a motorcycle rain suit. 

Owning these two items will protect you from the most dangerous situations when you're out on the road. and all of these items should be purchased from an actual motorcycle shop. Do not try to look for this gear at Target or Walmart.

If you don't have any of this gear mentioned above or the gear you have is getting old, then it's time for you to go shopping at A motorcycle gear shop for over 15 years, this website has all the latest high-quality fashion that won't break your bank.

So, head over to or their Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages to see what item would look best on you!

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