Friday, December 13, 2019

Remember Your Ride with Photos



Android, iPhone Or Digital Camera

You are about to embark on that long-awaited riding tour of your favorite vacation spot in the whole USA. Thing is you want a camera handy when that “Kodak Moment” happens. In that case, you might use your cellphone camera, so the moment is not lost.
Great quote, fits the topic.

Cellphone cameras have come a long way from the early days of flip-phones, you know the old pre-smartphone.

 Use your cellphone camera when a shot can’t wait.On the other hand, make sure to pack your DSLR camera for photos with the highest possible quality.

DSLR Camera with All the Attatchments

Cellphone with Camera Built-In

Keep Lenses Clean

You carry your cell phone in a pocket, in a carry case clipped to your belt, and who knows where else. Keep the lenses clean on both your cellphone and DSLR camera; the dirty lens can ruin that perfect shot.


Light up your target object with natural light when possible. Light the target from the front, not silhouetted in the light from behind unless a silhouette shot is your goal. When taking quick shots before they are lost, use lighting as best you can.

When using artificial light, get the subject as close to the light as possible. Try using the camera’s flash for one shot and take a second shot without.

Be wary of overusing the flash; instead use alternative light sources such as a ring flash or a wide beam flashlight. Adorn yourself with Motorcycle Armor Leather Jacket with reflector tape for better night visibility.

Steady As She Goes

Keeping a smartphone steady when using the camera is an area where users lag behind. One way is to hold the phone with both hands use the volume buttons or the touch anywhere features to take the picture.
With your digital camera, you probably have a tripod for steadying the camera for those great shots. No tripod, use the two-hand method to steady the digital camera.


Gridline Example


Rule of Thirds is a photographic composition rule that says an image should be broken in thirds.
Place the subject a third of the way into the frame; this will add life to the photo. Give your photos some depth by including objects in the foreground for that three-dimensional look.

Keep the background simple to better highlight the subject of the photo. When the background you are in is one of rain put on your Best Biker Raingear for Men and keep things dry.

Use the Camera Features

Use RAW and HDR settings for better quality pics. Bring the telephoto lens for the DSLR camera to get great optical zoom-in shots that are high quality. Zooming on a cellphone is a 'digital zoom' that will add more pixels, decreasing the quality of the photo.

Instead, get as close to the subject as possible, take the shot without zooming, and edit it later for best resolution. If you get to close to the pavement, be glad you were wearing Men Leather Motorcycle Pants with the armor inserts. 

Take Tons of Photos, Edit Later

The great thing about taking pictures with a digital camera or cellphone you can take many shots in a short amount of time. You can use the different settings on both devices and experiment to find what works best.

The angles you shoot from can vary low, high, angle shots, close-ups, from above or below, making your shoots fun and exciting. Set the highest resolution possible on your cellphone for more precise shots, digital cameras are a high resolution by nature.

Once home, the photos of your trip can be loaded into the picture file on the computer. There they can be sorted, edited, and placed in a new folder for easy reference. Make sure one of the photos from your road trip is of you wearing Leather Motorcycle Vests while seated astride your ride. You should find out How to Make Sure Your Riding Jackets Fits.

Last Frame

This article gives you an idea of how to get good pictures from a great ride. Not every photo tip was presented only a few to make your photo taking easier. Cellphone cameras are pretty straightforward when tweaked just right; they take great pictures.

Digital cameras are made for taking pictures with high resolution, and there are tons of them too choose from. To quote a line from a great movie, “Choose wisely.” Do not forget to log in to Wicked Stock to find the apparel, gear, and accessories for that excellent vacation ride.

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