Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Four Best Motorcycle Trends to Watch For In the Next Decade

In the future, there will be new modes of transportation that will revolutionize the way we commute. These new technologies will also influence the manufacturing of motorcycles. The metal in their body frames will be sturdier but lighter, and their mpg will either double or become infinite upon the discovery of a limitless energy source. But most of all, motorcycles will look cooler and may also glow.

Now I know that you were looking forward to seeing flying motorcycles on this list, but we've decided to write about events that will actually happen in this decade. One day, maybe, we'll see a podcycle zooming through the air. But I don't think that will be before 2050. So let's talk about the four best trends to wait for this decade.

More Compact Motorcycles

As cities become more populated and more vehicles clog the road, the next generation of vehicles, both two and four-wheeled motorcycles must be smaller and narrower. So, motorcycles with high handlebars and sidecars will not be as common the closer you move to a populated area.

Cities will also construct vehicle skyscrapers to store vehicles without the need to build underground parking lots. Even now, engineers are developing foldable motorcycles to store motorcycles that are already tight. But even smaller motorcycles must have some storage area so that drivers can carry around their leather motorcycle gloves.

The Past is the New Future - H2

Every decade, the clothing industry altogether looks back to 30 years ago and copies everything it sees. In 2020, the '90s will be a new source of inspiration. But what about motorcycles? Although their style doesn't come in waves, many design teams at motorcycle manufacturers draw their designs from the past.

This decade, we expect to see more old styles coming back into fashion. Perhaps those who were teens and 20-somethings in the 1980s will be able to buy a Suzuki-Katana inspired motorcycle. But we can't enter 2030 without a manufacturer bringing the Ducati Scrambler back to life. Just imagine yourself on the Scrambler while wearing a leather motorcycle jacket. If we make motorcycle designs unique, later on, we can reflect on that history for new inspirations as the decades pass.

Electric Motorcycles

The future is electric. The world has suffered enough in the name of fossil fuels. It may be too early for the 2020s to have a completely electric motorcycle, but we will undoubtedly see hybrids within this decade. Two significant issues are standing in the way of electric motorcycles: batteries and charging stations.

Battery technology is still in its infancy, and more money and resources must be invested into them if we are to see a real electric revolution. One day, we can pull on our favorite motorcycles racing pants and driving for days and days, but batteries are not there yet. But when motorcycles develop hybrid fuel capabilities, they will also need charging stations to travel across the country readily.

Luckily, there are already many charging stations emerging in smaller cities and towns without less than one hundred thousand people. But there is resistance and scorn in towns that haven't embraced new technology.

AI-Enhanced Motorcycles

Don't think that self-driving car technology is only for four-wheeled vehicles. AI and smart car technology will undoubtedly be added to motorcycles and Vespas the moment doing so become profitable. But it will be challenging to have the same warning and alert systems, and extensive digital displays in a motorcycle than in a car or truck.

Sensors in a car's system that can sense an obstacle nearby needs to adapt to motorcycles. Protection and safety are crucial for motorcycle drivers, as one wrong move could send them scraping the pavement. Along with wearing their motorcycle jackets with armor, riders will soon have traction control.

All of the trends we've seen today, the most anticipated one is the electric or hybrid motorcycle. Not only will charging your motorcycle lessen the strain on your wallet, but the air will be cleaner, and you won't have to stop as often to refill.

Hopefully, there will be more female motorcycle riders in this new decade, too, for only 1 out of five drivers are women. Maybe new mandatory safety measures finally ignite women's interests. But if you want to prepare for the new wave of motorcycles, check out WickedStock to get the latest motorcycle clothing fashion. Be ready to look good for the future and don’t forget to like us on Facebook and Twitter!

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